
Saturday, March 10, 1945

Ward entertainers and hauling the piano. Memories of how I first hauled our big piano to the broadcast so Jimmie could play - how I introduced him - how he apologized for interrupting me on the air - how gorgeous his music sounded when I went into the next room and listened to it coming out as the wards heard it. How I, never thinking he was more than 22 or 23, rushed to him later and kissed him impulsively, saying "Jimmie, you were beautiful!!". How he didn't change expression, but later laughed at me and told me he is 30, an old man. I was abashed (but I'd do it again).

No call this AM, he has a mild lacing coming up. Dance at the club - refused to dance, talked to Capt Eschelbacher. Great bore...no call.

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