
Wednesday, March 21, 1945

Jack came to the door at 9.30 am while I was in robe and PJs - all ready to go with me to Oxford! I flew around, got ready and met him on the square downtown. We had coffee and began our hiking to Oxford 39 miles away. Stopped at three pubs, rode on trucks, all English rides. Arrived at Lechlade, about 1/3 of the way, and took the train. We barely caught it - such fun. We found rooms at the ARC in Oxford - ran across Willard Fairchild in the officers' lounge, and we three walked around the colleges - saw Exeter - Jesus - New - Lincoln - the silence and tranquility of those quadrangles with their ancient turf is beyond telling. Jack and I adored the houses and apartments on the adjacent streets. They all have bright brass door knockers, and are clean and inviting. We had rum at the Mitre bar - and were very merry. Dinner there - took a 5 o'clock train home. We were alone in a dark carriage - delightful business. Jack is in love with me.

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