
Thursday February 22, 1945

(pages for February 9-21 are blank or removed)
Walked alone across the pasture and through the village to Anne Hathaway's Cottage - found it intact, perfect, and utterly incredible. It looked so uncomfortable for a love affair in 1500 or 1600. When was it? The gardeners were sowing and pruning "under an English Heaven". I wished for Jimmie so much. Caught a train after visiting a hand-loom weaver's, and buying a scarf, and a tie for Jimmie. All the way home in the train I wrote him a letter - how I felt, how I missed him.

Arrived at 5:00 in town - called him - was told by Kingdom that they were all leaving for three weeks in the AM! Back to London. I saw him at 7:00 and we were so happy to be together - it was troubling to separate - gave him some supplies to take - promised to see him Monday. Gave him my letter to read later.

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