
Saturday, January 20. 1945

A very exciting day for some reason. Wrote some letters for Col Johnson in the AM - and a snappy script for the AGH. Unfortunately, Jimmy was in the station, and during the nonsense I caught his orb and got the giggles - first time ever muffed a script. Did books and stationery on nine wards in the PM - pulling the book cart over mats and matting until I was fairly frantic. The wheels aren't lined up right. I don't think the men need the book cart, but I suppose the matches and the stationery, and the Red Cross appearance is good. They have plenty to read of the S.S. editions. Got Jim's O.D.s lined up at the tailors so he was sharp at the Officers' Club. If you could have seen the impressions when I proudly escorted my G.I. to the bar for a double Scotch! But his playing later was so smashing that everyone was charmed. Had a mortal struggle with the fireman holding the coal myself, had to keep him from firing during a number! The dope had orders to keep the fires fed - Capt Brown relieved me. Talked to J. for two hours after the dance. (pictured: Officers' Club)

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