
Friday, March 30, 1945

A tiring day, but one wherein you feel you've accomplished something. Took some flowers to Bria for Good Friday. Delivered odd items - took yarn for teddy bears - wrote a radio program on Home Town News - gave out five cakes, one huge one, and served it. The volunteers brought lovely hyacinths, and daffodils, and eggs for us. Package came from Mabel with a watermelon pink sweater, lipstick, perfume, and carnation soap. All reminds me of the Maywood Apartments. How much more contented I am over here, but every day I have the burden of anxiety over J. in London. One of the nurses said tonight that 100 people were buried in a tube station in London recently. Jack and I heard several explosions while we were there, and we heard one here tonight while at mess which could only be a bomb. I'd give anything to have him safe back here, though I suppose he would die of frustration after London. Jack did not call from the Center - but he will tomorrow probably. Hope he stays in England, he's such a comfort.

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